Dr Edward Bach

Bach Flower Remedies

The original Bach Flower Remedies are available in 25ml dosage form (ready to use) and 10ml Stock (concentrate) bottles are available for practioners on request. 

To create your own Custom Blend, choose up to six individual flower remedies that you feel address the underlying causes of the imbalance, not just its 'symptoms'.

If you feel a Personal Consultation would best suit you, we are available for online and phone consultations.

".... so long as the Soul and personalities are in harmony

all is joy and peace, happiness and health."

- Dr Edward Bach

Bach Flower Remedies

Agrimony Bach Flower RemedyAgrimony Bach Flower RemedyOpens the throat chakra for honest verbal expression.
Aspen Bach Flower RemedyAspen Bach Flower RemedyFor those who tremble with fear of the unknown, often related to new experiences.
Beech Bach Flower RemedyBeech Bach Flower RemedySee the whole picture instead of getting caught up on details.
Centaury Bach Flower RemedyCentaury Bach Flower RemedyHelps those who compromise themselves for others say "No" and establish healthy boundaries.
Cerato Bach Flower RemedyCerato Bach Flower RemedyDiminishes self-doubt to enable confident decision-making.
Cherry Plum Bach Flower RemedyCherry Plum Bach Flower RemedyBrings emotional stability for those on verge of breakdown, with suicidal thoughts or tendencies.
Chestnut Bud Bach Flower RemedyChestnut Bud Bach Flower RemedyAssists with learning, comprehension and learning from life's experiences.
Chicory Bach Flower RemedyChicory Bach Flower RemedyUnconditional love.
Clematis Bach Flower RemedyClematis Bach Flower RemedyHelps day-dreamers bring inspiration into the physical world.
Crab Apple Bach Flower RemedyCrab Apple Bach Flower RemedyCleans any sense of dirtiness, disgust or violation for a fresh start.
Elm Bach Flower RemedyElm Bach Flower RemedyRestores confidence and capability in times of overwhelm and exhaustion.
Gentian Bach Flower RemedyGentian Bach Flower RemedyLightens the heart where there is grief, sadness, loss of love.
Gorse Bach Flower RemedyGorse Bach Flower RemedyBrings hope and light in times of despairing depression.
Heather Bach Flower RemedyHeather Bach Flower RemedyCenters scattered energies, particularly for those who dislike being alone.
Holly Bach Flower RemedyHolly Bach Flower RemedySoftens intense feelings of hatred, envy, jealousy and opens the heart.
Honeysuckle Bach Flower RemedyHoneysuckle Bach Flower RemedyLet go of the past.
Hornbeam Bach Flower RemedyHornbeam Bach Flower RemedyRestores energy when weary and exhausted.
Impatiens Bach Flower RemedyImpatiens Bach Flower RemedyRestores patience and tolerance to those who rush through life.
Larch Bach Flower RemedyLarch Bach Flower RemedyRestores confidence to those who feel overlooked and insignificant.
Mimulus Bach Flower RemedyMimulus Bach Flower RemedyBrings courage where there are known fears and phobias.
Mustard Bach Flower RemedyMustard Bach Flower RemedyLifts black cloud of depression.
Oak Bach Flower RemedyOak Bach Flower RemedyLearn to trust others and delegate responsibility.
Olive Bach Flower RemedyOlive Bach Flower RemedyRejuvenation in times of exhaustion and long-term suffering.
Pine Bach Flower RemedyPine Bach Flower RemedyRestores self-worth to those who don't feel 'good enough'.
Red Chestnut Bach Flower RemedyRed Chestnut Bach Flower RemedyStrengthens the aura for those sensitive to the energy of others.
Rescue Remedy Bach Flower RemedyRescue Remedy Bach Flower RemedyBrings calmness in times of stress, anxiety, shock, trauma.
Rescue Remedy Handmade SoapRescue Remedy Handmade SoapRescue Remedy soap handmade with organic ingredients
Rock Rose Bach Flower RemedyRock Rose Bach Flower RemedyRestores serenity in times of terror, panic, and extreme fright.
Rock Water Bach Flower RemedyRock Water Bach Flower RemedyBrings flexibility to those who live by rigid ideals of perfectionism.
Scleranthus Bach Flower RemedyScleranthus Bach Flower RemedyBrings harmony where there is duality, mood swings, indecision.
Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower RemedyStar of Bethlehem Bach Flower RemedyNeutralises the effects of shock.
Sweet Chestnut Bach Flower RemedySweet Chestnut Bach Flower RemedyBrings renewed interest in life where to those in deep despair, who can endure no more.
Vervain Bach Flower RemedyVervain Bach Flower RemedyHelps over-enthusiastic reformers and workaholics slow down.
Vine Bach Flower RemedyVine Bach Flower RemedyHelps those who cling and need to control, let go.
Walnut Bach Flower RemedyWalnut Bach Flower RemedyStrengthens the aura, breaks links with the past.
Water Violet Bach Flower RemedyWater Violet Bach Flower RemedyHelps those who are shy and socially awkward feel comfortable with others.
White Chestnut Bach Flower RemedyWhite Chestnut Bach Flower RemedyQuietens the mind in times of worry and persistent, unwanted thoughts.
Wild Oat Bach Flower RemedyWild Oat Bach Flower RemedyHelps those who are mutli-talented decide their path in life by what brings true happiness.
Wild Rose Bach Flower RemedyWild Rose Bach Flower RemedyRestores will-power and responsibility where there is apathy and resignation.
Willow Bach Flower RemedyWillow Bach Flower RemedyFosters forgiveneness and brings flexibility where there is resentment and cold, stored anger.