Larch Bach Flower Remedy

Larch Bach Flower Remedy

Larch Bach Flower Remedy
10ml Stock Larch Bach Flower Remedy25ml Dosage Larch Bach Flower Remedy
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(Larix decidua)

For those with an inferiority complex, who lack confidence and expect to fail, believing they are not as good as others, Larch Bach Flower Remedy brings a sense of uniqueness, restoring confidence and determination from within.

Those needing Larch often feel overlooked and insignificant, compared to others, yet they feel a stronger sense of self when in a group.  Larch is typically related to the middle child syndrome.

In taking Larch Flower Remedy, one feels they have the strength of character as a unique individual to stand alone, without needing the company of others to make them feel good about themselves.

Larch teaches that in doing one's personal best there's no such thing as failure.

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