Flower Essence Remedies for Writers
To Help You Write Your Book Deeply
and Bring It to the World
Writing a book can bring forth all sorts of obstructions within us that can hinder our ability to move into our heart’s desire to write in a way that truly serves and pleases us. The faces of these obstructions are legion: self-doubt, self-sabotage, overwhelm, and discouragement are only a few of the 'dragons' at the gates of our inner temple.
Flower remedies gently dissolve such blockages, helping us flower into our fullest potential, enabling us to bring our dreams into being.
A series of three special flower essence remedies has been created exclusively to complement and actively assist in enhancing the "10 Essential Qualities That Help You Write a Book", as identified and written by Naomi Rose, creator of "Writing from the Deeper Self" (
The first two remedies address the
inner process of writing. The third remedy addresses the
outer process of bringing the completed book into the world. These three remedies cover all that you will need in order to begin your book, stay with it, complete it, and confidently share it once it's published.