#3: Bringing Your Deep Writing to the World Flower Remedy 25ml
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The third and final stage of writing a book requires self-promotion, marketing, publicity and letting the world know about that which has been 'birthed'.
It's not uncommon for the creative soul to cringe at the thought of putting themselves in the public eye, in 'sales' mode, and being 'out there'.
The flower essences in this final writer's remedy, Bringing Your Deeper Writing to the World, address such issues. Those who are naturally shy will find it easy to step outside their comfort zones and mix with others. It takes courage and resilience, faith in one's self and the ability to stand by one's truth without being affected by the opinions of others, energy to keep up with the demands of hectic schedules without being depleted physically or emotionally.
With the support of the flower kingdom, the essences in this blend will help you naturally share with others the unique gift you have so lovingly brought into the world.
Take 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as needed.