#2: Writing from the Deeper Self Flower Remedy 25ml
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The process of writing a book, of externalising one's inner thoughts and feelings, can bring new challenges to the writer. Sometimes we know what we want to say, but how to say it, how much to say, and finding ways to express what's inside that will engage the reader are not always clear.
The essences formulated in Writing from the Deeper Self assist with the flow of writing, of accessing higher levels of consciousness and deeper thought processes, being able to focus on details yet also holding the energy of the whole story being told, bringing forth that which is inside the writer waiting to be birthed.
The first remedy, Cultivating the Deeper Self, fertilised the ground, the writer. This second remedy assists in the gestation period, the period of creation.
Some people have great ideas and plans, but lack on the follow-through. This remedy keeps the writer connected to the writing process, helping them hold space for the time and energy it requires.
Every flower blooms in its own time. By allowing the process to unfold, not forcing and not neglecting ones work, you will find the essences in this blend will walk with you as you journey through your book writing process.
Take 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as needed.