Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy

Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy

Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy
10ml Stock Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy25ml Dosage Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy
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(Ornithogalum umbellatum)

For those who have experienced shock and its after effects, either recently or in the past, Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy brings calmness, neutralises the effects of shock and gives clarity of the issues being held in the body which enables us to release these energies.

It restores faith in ourselves and our ability to deal with life as it happens.

Shock is a common incident in our lives, as even at the time of birth we experience shock leaving the comfort of the womb.  Any accident, whether it be a burn to the body or a car accident, has an effect on the cellular level of the body.

Star of Bethlehem clears such shock, enabling us to live more fully in the present.

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