Travel Pet Health Flower Remedy 25ml
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This blend of Flower Remedies is specifically formulated for animals who do not travel easily.
Travel by vehicle is not natural for our animal friends. They may not like the motion of travel, the stopping and starting can be disorienting. Some, just like people, get anxious about travelling, and can get car-sick.
Some pets become anxious and unco-operative prior to travelling. It's possible the animal has an association of going to the vet, or has been in an accident before and is still traumatised from the event.
The Flower Remedies in this blend help our friends stay calm and centered. It helps them feel connected to the energy of the earth so they are grounded throughout the journey.
This remedy settles the most anxious of animals before they embark on their next adventure. It relaxes the stomach, reducing the likelihood of car-sickness.
Put 5-10 drops in the mouth three times daily, and also add to your pet's water. Add to an atomiser and spray the car, carriage or float before the animal boards.