Essential Blends 3 x 15ml Gift Pack
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Choose ANY THREE of our Essential Blends for your Gift Pack of Flower Therapy.
Beautiful Woman - Helps women blossom from within and reconnect to their Sacred Feminine essence.
Bliss - Returns one to a state of quiet inner bliss.
Child Birth - Calms mother and baby and eases the process of birthing.
Cleanse - Cleans the slate for a new beginning where there is any sense of 'dirtiness', violation or negativity.
Confidence - Promotes a healthy sense of self-worth and self-confidence.
Creativity - Inspires and enhances our natural creative abilities.
De-Stress - Assists in times of emotional, mental and physical stress, including shock.
Expression - Promotes clear and honest communication, with sensitivity.
Heart Ease - Helps to heal emotional pain and recover from the loss of a loved one.
Hormone Harmony - Assists in balancing hormones, alleviating the symptoms of PMS and menopause.
Intimacy - Rekindles true love and intimacy between couples.
Joy - Helps one to relax, lighten up and laugh.
Learn Easy - Helps to comprehend and retain learned information, and apply one's self to studies.
Motivation - Take purposeful, inspired action without procrastinating.
New Sibling - Fosters goodwill and co-operation between siblings, welcoming new family members.
Patience - Settles impatient and frustrated energies so one can enjoy the present, here and now.
Spiritual Growth - Promotes inner wisdom and guidance for those seeking to walk the path of the Spiritual Warrior.
Strength - Fosters courage, resilience and inner strength through challenging times.
Sweet Dreams - Promotes a restful, good night's sleep.
Transition - Assists in times of change, when adjusting to new conditions and environments.
Trauma Recovery - Eases the symptoms of trauma by neutralising shock and associated issues.
Vitality - Assists in restoring and maintaining consistent energy levels.
Wellness - Enhances our sense of health and well-being, promotes self-healing.