Strength Flower Remedy 25ml

Strength Flower Remedy 25ml

Strength Flower Remedy 25ml
25ml Strength Flower Remedy dosage bottle
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This blend was originally formulated for carers of special needs children, and is a strengthening remedy for those who feel overwhelmed,  over-extended, and running on empty.

Sometimes the demands of life seem to exceed our inner resources, as in the situation of carers who are constantly on call, on alert and have little time for themselves.

The remedies in this blend bring resilience in times of stress, courage and optimism, inner strength and 'grit', and a centeredness that restores a sense of wholeness.  

One feels more than capable to deal with life's situations when taking this blend.  In these challenging times we're living in, Strength helps us rise to the occasion.  When the going gets tough ... the tough get going!

Try our Strength Spray!  It's another handy way to access this very versatile remedy.

In acute situations, take the remedy more frequently instead of taking a larger dose.  

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