Quit Flower Remedy 25ml

Quit Flower Remedy 25ml

Quit Flower Remedy 25ml
25ml Quit Flower Remedy dosage bottle
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Letting go of habits, addictions to unhealthy substances or situations, changing from the familiar to the new is commonly an uncomfortable experience.  Change is not easy, but the remedies in the Quit Flower Remedy blend are specifically chosen to make such transitions and life-changes more natural.  

The Flower Essences in this blend help us 'wean' ourselves from that which is not healthy with greater ease.  It helps establish new pathways in the brain, giving a different perspective and often insight into such behaviours.  

If you're ready to quit smoking, drinking, drugs, or even just staying in unhealthy relationships (work or personal), change is made so much easier with our Quit remedy.  

Every flower blossoms in its own time, in its own way, and this remedy will help you find your way to live more fully in alignment with your truest self.

Take 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily, or as needed.  You may wish to take the remedy 4 times daily at first.  
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