Intimacy Flower Remedy 25ml

Intimacy Flower Remedy 25ml

Intimacy Flower Remedy 25ml
25ml Intimacy Flower Remedy dosage bottle
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Sometimes painful experiences from the past can inhibit one's ability to open up to receive and share love.

Intimacy gently dissolves any blocks that prevent one from being able to express their love physically, and for those who find it hard to connect on a deep level emotionally.

This blend opens the heart to the unconditional love and passion that one feels for their spouse or partner.  It promotes a desire for intimacy and rekindles sexual interest.

It is helpful for those uncomfortable with touch, who have problems with their body image, and for those who have experienced sexual abuse in the past.  This blend truly enhances the sharing of love when taken by both partners.

Take 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily.

Please note, this remedy will not create sexual interest where true love is absent, but is of benefit to those who already share a strong bond of love.

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