Creativity Flower Remedy 25ml

Creativity Flower Remedy 25ml

Creativity Flower Remedy 25ml
25ml Creativity Flower Remedy dosage bottle
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Within each and every one of us is a unique creative spark.  It's the spark of life, the fire in the eyes, and the fire in the belly.

Many people avoid creativity, not giving themselves the time or space, they may lack confidence or artistic inspiration.

With our Creativity blend, there is a desire to express oneself through an artistic medium.

Those already pursuing creative activities will find they have a closer bond with their medium and their forms, and creativity will be enhanced.

The importance of shape reveals itself to the artist, as does an awareness of one's hands and how they are being used.

If you're ready to bring some colour into your life, try Creativity.

Take 10 drops under the tongue 3 times daily.  Add a couple of drops to any water you may be using while you work.

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