Sound Sensitive Pet Health Flower Remedy 25ml
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This blend of Flower Remedies is specifically formulated for pets who are easily frightened or distressed by loud or sudden noises.
Sound Sensitive helps our animal friends during times of noise and unaccustomed stimuli. This Remedy is for any Animal that is easily disturbed by sounds or external stimuli, whether it be passing traffic, thunderstorms, fireworks, busy crowds of a show, or any sudden and unexpected noise or movement.
The Flower Remedies in this blend help our friends stay calm, centered and able to cope with any pressure and unfamiliar sounds and noises.
This remedy has the effect of providing a 'buffer zone', reducing the impact the unfamiliar stimuli has on your friend. A great remedy for people also sensitive to sound.
Put 5-10 drops in the mouth three times daily, and also add to your pet's water. For animals sensitive to thunder, administer at the first sign of a storm coming.