Show Time Pet Health Flower Remedy 25ml
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This blend of Flower Remedies has been created to help alleviate the stresses and demanding conditions that our pets face when in show situations.
They suddenly find themselves amongst a lot of strangers, amid a lot of excitement and unaccustomed noise and activity, and this can affect the most well-trained and well-behaved of any being.
Our Show Time blend promotes confidence with a happy and optimistic disposition. The Flower Remedies in this blend also help animals stay calm and unflustered, so they feel right at home even amongst such a flurry of activity.
We have even included remedies to help pets remain detached from the anxiety and excitement of their owners, and the people and animals around them, which helps them to stay calm and focus.
An excellent remedy for any animal depression.
Put 5-10 drops in the mouth three times daily, and also add to your pet's water. Add a few drops to an atomiser and spray around yourselves at any show so that your space stays calm, clear and optimistic.