Kennel Time Pet Health Flower Remedy 25ml
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Kennel Time Pet Health Flower Remedy is specifically formulated for pets going into a kennel or boarding situation, or being left for any period of time in an unfamiliar environment.
The Flower Remedies in this blend address feelings of abandonment, adapting to new environments, smaller living conditions, and missing their loving owners.
With this remedy your friend will hardly notice you're gone, but don't take it personally. They are not going to miss you to the point of fretting, they will adjust to their new 'home' and be happy to see you when you return, but there's no need to rush.
Begin using this remedy a few days before a planned trip away to avoid separation anxiety, and leave with the new caretaker so they can continue the remedy in your absence.
Put 5-10 drops in the mouth three times daily, and also add to your pet's water.