Holographic Kinetics Personal Session

Holographic Kinetics Personal Session

Holographic Kinetics Personal Session
25ml Personal Consultation Flower Remedy dosage bottle
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Experience in person an advanced Aboriginal Dreamtime Healing session with Holographic Kinetics.

Through kinetic energy working with your spirit, we are able to find and clear the cause of imbalances playing out in your life today.

In clearing the person's spirit, all other levels of one's being is cleared of the effects of that cause.  Patterns change, behaviours change, thought processes are brought into alignment, stuck energy is shifted, and the feeling afterwards is profound.

The Holographic Kinetics Personal Session is suitable for those in or around the Lake Macquarie area of New South Wales, Australia.  The session, lasting approximately 1.5hrs, would take place in Toronto.

Please contact me to arrange a time for your appointment and session.  Please bring with you a list of at least 3 issues you wish to clear that are affecting your life today.

Customer Reviews

Average rating from 2 reviews: 5.0
Holographic Kinetic SessionI recently benefited from a holographic kinetic session with Linda Bizon so I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to clear issues impeding their way forward. I felt clearer & freer after the session so able to off-load some of the obstacles weighing me down & getting in the way. Linda is a confident professional healer and I felt relaxed and at ease with the process. I have since been taking some remedies she suggested & concocted for me, so I'm sure they are helping to support my well-being too. Thank you Linda - I look forward to another session in the future! Written by Glenda Frances on Wed 7 Oct 2020 5:48:04 AM GMT
Thank youThank you Linda. It was wonderful and I feel lighter and happier and feel I have more space around me. Written by G. on Tue 11 Jun 2019 2:40:02 AM GMT
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